Divorce and the Menopause


Menopause is a topic which is beginning to have much more focus. However,  there is currently no specific family case law which relates to the menopause.

What is the Menopause?

The menopause occurs once a person has stopped menstruating, which tends to be around the age of 45-55. Most people do experience menopausal symptoms before the menopause, and this is known as the perimenopause. Perimenopause is when a person may have the symptoms of menopause, but their periods have not stopped. Menopause begins when you have not had your period for 12 months and then the perimenopause ends. There is lots of useful information that can be found on the NHS website that contains support and treatment. This information can be found by clicking here.

At this age people are often still caring for young children, entering the next stage in their career, or rebuilding their career and often caring for elderly parents.

What are Symptoms of the Menopause?

Most women or anybody who has periods will experience menopausal symptoms. Some of these can be quite severe and have a significant impact on your everyday activities. Common symptoms can include hot flushes, night sweats, weight gain, low mood or anxiety and problems with memory and concentration to name a few.

Menopausal symptoms can begin months or even years before your periods stop and last around 4 years after your last period, although some women experience them for much longer.

What is the link between Divorce and Menopause?

Menopause and perimenopause can have a big impact on your life, specifically on your relationships and your work. The impact that the menopause could have on you when divorcing may be that you are more vulnerable, perhaps you are struggling to process matters and take on board information. Perhaps given your low self-esteem you just want the matter settled and you’re not able to negotiate effectively because you cannot give the mental focus that your divorce requires. It is important to have legal advice to ensure you are getting a fair financial settlement that focuses on your needs not simply accepting any settlement just to make the matter go away.

How can Andrew Isaacs Law help you?

Here at Andrew Isaacs Law, we not only offer advice to people who are going through the menopause, but we can assist the spouses of those and can anticipate what arguments may be raised to prepare counterarguments to those. We could also ensure that you are conscious of all matters and needs that could arise during a financial settlement, which in turn could assist in achieving a more amicable resolution to matters.

There is a need for a sensitive and tailored approach. Clients don’t necessarily need differing advice, nor do they need to tell their lawyer if they are going through the menopause, but it is important to obtain advice from a lawyer who is not only knowledgeable but adaptive and sympathetic. We are not medical professionals, but we need to be aware of symptoms to tailor our advice to you.

Our lawyers can give you experienced tailored advice that will be delivered to you in a way that you find easy to understand. If you have specific needs or preferences, we will work in accordance with that. For example, you like all advice to be in writing rather than over the telephone or meetings and you then have a written record of our advice.

Please do not hesitate to contact us to arrange a fixed-fee consultation with us. We understand that all circumstances are unique and will help to secure the best outcome for you.

Roxanne Woolliams – Divorce & Family Law Solicitor

Dated:  21.09.2023


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